Level 1 East 50 Grenfell St,
Adelaide SA 5000
You have plans to start a successful career in childcare but feel confused thinking where to start from, right? First of all, your plan is highly appreciated as this sector is not very conventional job sector, but it is for those people who really want to create something important in a little one’s life. It involves utmost care and passion. And at the same time, you will be glad to know that, you will be assured of a job security and financial certainty as the job openings will be on the rise in the years to come.
To start, you may search child care courses in Adelaide or courses available in other parts of Australia and you will find plenty of options there. An advanced diploma course in childcare can be suitable for you to choose.
This course will cover basic as well as advanced knowledge and skills required to work in a childcare centre or a similar professional setting. You can get employed as an early childhood educator where you will be responsible for planning and organizing of students’ curriculum where they can get involved to the fullest. At the same time, you can also get the chance to manage children education program which will be in accordance with your license and accreditation. This full-time course will require about 92 weeks to complete which equals to almost two years. You can search the details of Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care Adelaide. You must check whether the course is offered online or on-campus.
Diploma in childcare Adelaide is usually known to people by its code which is CHC50113 and it is registered under Australian Qualifications Framework or AQF. Thus the course will provide evidence that you had learned certain theoretical knowledge and skills to work in any post in a childcare sector.
As mentioned, this is an advanced course, so you will be able to learn more advanced techniques required for professional development in your career. The course usually covers wide range of subjects. A total of 28 study units are taught. 23 core units include ‘Work legally and ethically’, ‘Ensure the health and safety of children’, ‘Maintain work health and safety’, ‘Develop positive and respectful relationships with children’, ‘Provide care for children’, ‘Provide care for babies and toddlers’. Apart from these, there are 5 elective units, which are designated as ‘Support the holistic development of children in their early childhood’, ‘Work with diverse people’ etc.
Read More:- Which Childcare Course Is Better? Diploma In Childcare Education Or Cert 3 Childcare
You may wonder that you have to take certain training before applying to this course, but in reality, you don’t have to. However there are certain general requirements which are as follows:
There various reasons for which you should go for this course.
Read More:- How Diploma in Childcare Course Help You Advance Your Career?
Before knowing about the potential career outcomes, you should know that, in this course, you need to complete 240 hour-vocational placement training. You can take this training in any registered Australian Child Care and Education Centre. The managerial posts that you can get placed in are children’s advisor, children’s service director, children’s service manager, group/team leader, group/team coordinator or child care centre manager. You can understand that the jobs involve administrative responsibilities which will keep you very busy throughout the day. But it will also be very satisfying as your team or centre will run according to your planning and you will continue to inspire your staff or team members.
Ending note
If you really love children and enjoy their sweet company, childcare sector is the perfect destination for you. You can get enrolled in a child care course Adelaide and get placed in your desired job setting.